Monday, August 24, 2015

I Become What I Focus On

I am going to say "I" instead of "we" because I can only control what I do.

I Become What I Focus On

I focus on Heavenly Father first.  I may be crazy, but I believe I hear him varies times through out the day.

I have heard and grown up with the idea that Heavenly Father is first, family is second, and then career is third.  What happened with the idea?  Now, career is first, family is second, and Heavenly Father is third.

Well, that explains it; there is people with little faith, families becoming to complex, and careers that think that they own us by demanding much time; that keeps us away from family and Heavenly Father.

I Become What I Focus On ~ Faith

I have little regards for religious institutions.  And, I have high regard in believing in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  Nothing comes to me unless it is in the name of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, I pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ practically various moments throughout the day; that is how much I need them.

I once heard that if I go to a religion and the preacher is talking about himself, to give them two pennies and spit on them when they pass the collection basket.

Religions should be focusing in teaching you about Heavenly Father and not about what the preacher personal needs.

I Become What I Focus On ~ Family

My children are aware that I am a great believer in Heavenly Father, and that I focus on what the family needs.  We need money and that has to come around the family needs.  It is very important that family comes before money.  We have to get creative.  I have to be available for my spouse and my children.

When I hear the word "mom", I stop what I am doing and go to them.  I am their mother and I am available to them.  I want that when they have questions that they come to me and not turn to the streets for answers.  The same goes for my Honey; when he calls, I go to him.  Everyday, I make time for him; we talk about what is best for our family, budgets, what the family needs, and how we are going to get it.

And, the more we do, the less money we need.  Heavenly Father blesses our gardens.  We freeze, and can food for the winter months.  And, as I focus on this, the more I learn how to preserve food.

I Become What I Focus On ~ Career

I am glad that the children have the entrepreneur mentality.  Yesterday, my son, said, "I cannot believe that dad just made what I made in 8 hours in an hour.  He just needs more jobs."

Let us go back in history a bit.  What did Jesus Christ earthly father do for a living?  He was an entrepreneur.

We all have different skills that we are good at.  It is time to use them and create your own job, grow it into a business, and invest to grow it some more.  How much more?  To tell you the truth, if there is food in the table, bills are paid, I have clothes over my body; I am rich.

If the economy is bad,  entrepreneurs can make it move by buying and selling products and services.

Have a blessed day,

Leticia N. Hernandez
Blogging, Marketing & Selling

Friday, August 21, 2015

Injustice ~ Journalists' Are Helping Others To Be In The Know

Injustice goes against who I am

Heavenly Father is justice.  I am seeing much injustice all over the world and it saddens me.  It saddens me more when people think that they cannot do anything about it.  Injustice will exist as long as the "just" allow it.

Injustice is a detestable thing

Injustice is a detestable thing.  More detestable is seeing innocent people fighting for a cause being deprived of their right to happiness by being deprived from their freedom.

Journalists' the "Time of Zoy" is coming.  Let's do and act in faith in Heavenly Father.  And, when we act, we act in peace for the well-being of others.

Journalist Facing Injustice

Speaking against injustice is helping others.  Speaking against injustice is not vandalizing others hard work or hurting others.  Speaking against injustice is moving the human race into what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior.  

For instance, it is unacceptable behavior to tax people on their homes over and over again.  It is unacceptable behavior because it is a legal form of thievery to satisfy others wants and needs.  Therefore, I am waiting for "The Time of Zoy" for our societies that have become such a heavy burden are unfit to lead.  I am unfit to lead.  Only Heavenly Father is fit to lead.

Our society has to understand that we all have different needs and wants.

Have a blessed day,

Leticia Hernandez

Who is the creator of rainwater?

The Creator is the only one that has the right to say what can and cannot be done with rainwater  

Rainwater is given to the Earth for its needs when the Creator thinks we need the rainwater.

Why is the most likely reason why this man is being sent to prison over rainwater?

Is it greed?  Look to the Heavens; for the "Time of Zoy" is coming.  If the man is collecting rainwater for his needs, that means that the man is needing less of the water that he is paying for.  Greed is a big monster that is consuming the world.  It is time to stop thinking only about self and think about others.

When we think about others and we help each other, then, and only then, the world will become a better place.

Man victim Of Greed Of Others

Have a blessed day,

Leticia N. Hernandez